Image Processing

An image is nothing more than a two dimensional signal. It is defined by the mathematical function f(x,y) where x and y are the two co-ordinates horizontally and vertically. The value of f(x,y) at any point is gives the pixel value at that point of an image.

Image Processing is a method to perform some operations on an image, in order to get an enhanced image or to extract some useful information from it. There are two types of Image Processing based on how the data is stored. If the pictorial representation of the data represented in analog wave formats that can be named as analog image. E.g.: television broadcasting in older days through the dish antenna systems. .Whereas the digital representation or storing the data in digital form is termed as a digital image processing E.g.: image data stored in digital logic gates. Analogue image processing can be used for the hard copies like printouts and photographs. Image analysts use various fundamentals of interpretation while using these visual techniques. Digital image processing techniques help in manipulation of the digital images by using computers.

Various operations on image:

1) Thresholding
2) Blob Analysis
3) Filtering
4) Watershed Transform
5) Distance Transform


1) Security Recognition
         Most known application of Image processing is Face Recognition. Now almost every major smartphone has face recognition feature in it. It provides a high level of security. Similarly we can use eye and finger recognition to allow access to only specific individuals. This kind of security can be used in high security organisations or government agencies. 

2) Computer Graphics :

         Image Processing can be used to apply different filters . We can also create 3D pattern of objects from an image.

3) Medical Applications :

          By analyzing the images of tissues, cells or body parts we can get various information about our health. Current application of such things include X-ray, MRI, CT.
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